Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some of my sketches

Hi again,
Sketching has always been my favourite pass time. I m not a pro at it as i lack the training given to those doing Fine arts. For me its just a hobby to put down on paper something that i imagined or remembered. Of course, if given the opportunity to learn, I'll gobble it up.
I am uploading some of my sketches here for you'll to see. Let me know if you like them....:)

This is what I used to do during boring B.E. lecturers. These are thumbnail sketches.

These are some of the characters in my head.


Mr. Mongoose

Mr. Eagle

Mr. Snake



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My old paintings


This is my first post and hence I thought of uploading some of my old paintings done on paper with poster colors. Its been a really long time since I have felt the slish slash of a paintbrush. Nowadays its just the pen-tablet. I will be posting some of my digital paintings later but for now just this.
Hope you like it... :)